Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bitter Ex-pats

I am sure that it is not just Japan (can any of you fellow TEFLers back me up?) but I have noticed something really strange about ex-pats here. They seem to really hate their lives... They hate teaching, Japan, Japanese people, Japanese politics, Japanese cities, apartments, weather blah blah blah... When we first arrived we tried our hardest to avoid settling in to a social life with the gaijin crowd. To some extent we have succeeded. But whenever we meet other teachers we start to hear the horror stories. I would understand this if we also heard about the wonderful things we could see and do while enjoying our new careers... but we don't hear about the happy things... Luckily the horrors are balanced by our Japanese friends so we haven't completely lost the rose-tinted specs that they hand out when you arrive at Narita airport.
What really bothers me is... why are they still here?! If Japan is so bad, go home! From what I have seen so far Japan is living up to expectations. It is a modern developed nation that has arrived at this position via a very different route to western nations. Because of this it is confusing, wierd, baffling, beautiful, disgusting, harsh, forgiving, and utterly fascinating.
Whatever my opinion might be by the end of our time here, I want to recommend this place to everyone now (while I am still a fresh-faced eager teacher full of wonder).
Right... now off to work!


michael said...

i lived in japan for 6 years and LOVE it! most people who tell those horror stories just don't try hard enough or at all to experience all the culture, food, and atmosphere that japan has to offer. Enjoy!

Dave_a_teacher said...

Thanks for the visit Michael! BTW I was a test engineer before doing TEFL. I'll be honest and say that I am very glad that I decided to change careers but I hope it goes well for you.