Monday, January 02, 2006

Back to geeky mode

I am sure some of my old colleagues at RM will be working on something related to this problem but for the less techy among you-
Windows vulnerability

Please be careful with the websites you browse to while MS pulls its finger out of its behind. If you haven't already then please install Firefox (preferably from the link on this page). It won't completely help with this vulnerability (especially if you have google desktop installed) but it generally helps you to browse more safely. Also you should keep your anti-virus software up-to-date... Unlike me....
Ok you won't get any more computer advice from me on this page....
Unless it's about computers in Japan or something wierd....
Fumi leaves for Australia on the 6th (probably for 3 months...) so we are heading over to have a couple of beers with her tonight. We'll miss her!!

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