Thursday, January 12, 2006

Back to the kids again...

It's back to the kids lessons now... Yay!
I need to get some genk' from somewhere.
Genki is a great word which means something like health/power/vitality/friendly/energy/lively. Teachers of children in Japan need to be genki. This generally means jumping, running, bouncing, chanting, satanic prayer and ritual sacrifice. This can all be quite tough while wearing a suit and attempting to retain a professional air. Soon we will have open weeks when parents sit in with the children. Going by feedback from previous open days they are opportunities for parents to be extremely judgemental about teachers. One teacher was told that they weren't sitting properly by two parents(in the middle of the class). I am really looking forward to that!
On the other hand I taught a lovely class yesterday evening. The class name is 'Welsh' so they have to be great. The class consists of an 11 year old girl and a boy aged twelve. They are incredibly polite, hard-working and supportive to each other. They are an absolute pleasure to teach!
Anyway, I'm orf for some grub...
Jaa ne

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