Sunday, February 18, 2007

In Europe this building wouldn't be particularly strange but the Sapporo Beer buildings are an amazing sight in Japan. It was modeled on a German factory. It was quite beautiful compared to the mishmash of industrial Japanese buildings in the surrounding area. Errrmm..... and the beer.... errmmm wasn't bad either :)


monk3 said...

Does anyone read this apart from me?

Dave_a_teacher said...

going by the logs there are about 10 regular readers

monk3 said...

oi post something new i'm bored of this bit!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are both well. I know the past month is one of the more beautiful seasons in Japan with many activites celebrating the spring. I check your blog regularly. Perhaps you are more busy than normal. I hope your blog-silence means only you're having terrific, happy distraction elsewhere.
Best, Diana G. from Lansing, Michigan, USA